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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fastest 2 Weeks Of My Life

I keep thinking of great blogs to write. I title them, write a note to myself in the text box and save them. There are a handful of unfinished ones saved as drafts right now. But I realize you, my faithful followers cannot wait any longer. So I will sacrifice wit and just tell you what the Stonerook household has been up to.

Last night Carver had his first fully submerged bath. His umbilical cord is still hanging around, but the nurse midwife said its fine to get it wet (even though books tell you not to). He really liked it! Especially compared to a sponge bath which leaves him cold and fussy.

He has been awake all day today! Normally he is awake from 10-noon and again in the evening. I hope this means lots of sleep tonight!

We (Carver & I) breastfeed for about 6-8 hours a day.

Ethan has tomorrow and next Wednesday off! Yay!

Have to go put in my hours. More soon.

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