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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I don't want to embarrass them, so I won't name names... but some really cool people who Carver is inheriting his middle name from got us the most kick-ass crib ever!!! My hot husband set it up last night.

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While I, so helpfully assisted by taking these:

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See the hormone line? Its been creeping up there for a week or two. Also, please note how my belly button is off-center, but still not an outie. I think, with only 6 weeks to go, I'll always be an innie.

Alright, now that I've already done 2 of my favorite things this morning (nap and blog), time for my third, clean!

Also, some amazingly sweet friends happen to be faithful blog readers. They read my blog about the difficulties of pregnancy and nail-clipping and bought me a pedicure! If I clean and pack for Tampa fast enough, I think I will go cash that in. Again with the name-naming, I don't want to embarass you, but you know who you are and I love you!


Ethan said...

You didn't want to embarrass them, but you posted a picture of me, shirtless, on the internets. I can't believe you. Also for youins who do not know this already, the pants I was wearing used to belong to Rex Grossman, the should-have-been heisman trophy winner.

Kathy said...

Cute crib! This is so exciting! He's coming so soon!!! I love the deep innie pics. Don't forget to check to see if Carver has one of those lines on his belly when he is born. Tell E that I'm not sure how i feel about him wearing sexy rexy's pants.

Casey said...

Your belly is so cute. I cant wait to come hang out with the Stonerooks I love so much. I am excited. See you in a week:)