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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

1 Vote for Pumpkin Pie

Ethan and I went to vote together before work. I felt so American standing in line with all kinds of people, us in our work clothes (E with an espresso in hand), students in their sweatpants, peeps in scrubs. For some reason the "S" line took forever, so I was late to work, but oh well, free Ben & Jerry's with my "I Voted" sticker later! Voting makes me feel so accomplished, but then I get sad thinking that just one vote from someone voting the other way (who probably doesn't care as much as I do) cancels mine out. I guess that's also American.

I'm about to scoot to my after school job, but I would love to share a few precious moments from this job with you:
Last Friday after sign language club all the kids and I had a dance party to whatever High School Musical song comes on after Breaking Free. I think this is my calling.
Yesterday this very energetic girl lisp-fully told me that she "would be so excited to be my daughter!" because I'm "having a baby!!!" Ok, that one doesn't really seem as cute or funny if you can't hear my impression, but for L.C. Leary, it was Emma.
Also yesterday one of the tiniest kindergartners ran up to tell me a story he had waited all weekend to share, "Mrs. Valerie, one time we got stuck in traffic!"
And finally, the very tiniest kindergartner came to keep me company during the final hour of free play. As we were hanging out I asked him when he turned 5. He simply said, "on my birthday."

Alright, I have to go find out what after school has in store for me today. I think I'm going to make a pumpkin pie tonight. Mmm.

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