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Thursday, May 7, 2009

He's Got Quite The Social Life

Baby swap! I had lunch with Gwen and Hillary and got to meet sweet baby Josiah.
Grandma Ronda came for a visit.
Carver got his toes wet at Danny & Lindsay's lake house party/wedding shower.
The big boys got all the way in.
Rolling over!
Kari graduated! Carver wanted me to match him, so he drooled on my shoulder too.
Sunrise from the sailboat we stayed on in St. Augustine
The reason I was up at sunrise
Self-inflicted family photo

We were in St. Augustine for this lovely lady's wedding.
Hahahaha...this is right after Carver pooped ALL OVER a restaurant patio. Casey: "I feel a rumbling!" Vinny: "What is that?!!"
Wiped out after a long weekend
Aunt Natalie took us blueberry picking!

Now if I don't have the cutest family, you just tell me who does.
This looks so much like his cousin, Ayden!

Playgroup with birthday twin, Lukas

1 comment:

Amy Greene said...

omg I can't even stand how cute he is!!! I HAVE to meet him sooon! love you girl and love reading about your life since I can't see you. I'll try to be better about updating mine :)